



' iniファイル操作クラス
'鳥谷歩の日記帳 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ayumu_toritani/
'鳥谷寛歩 http://www.geocities.jp/ayumu_toritani/
'--- iniファイルから値取得 ---
'Dim iniEdit As New clsIniEdit
'Dim strTmp as String
' iniEdit.Open("d:\test.ini") 'iniファイルの読み込み
' strTmp = iniEdit.GetValue("テストセクション", "テストキー") '値取得
' Debug.WriteLine("get=" & strTmp)
'--- iniファイルへ値設定 ---
' iniEdit.SetValue("テストセクション", "テストキー", "テストバリュー") '値設定
' iniEdit.Save() 'iniファイルへ保存
'--- iniファイル例---tof
'(1) 同名セクションが複数ある場合は、最上部のみ、アクセスする。ただし対象キーにヒットしなければ、順次下のセクションも見る。
'(2) 同一セクション内に同名キーが複数ある場合は、最上部のみ、アクセスする。
'(3) キーに空文字列もしくはスペースのみの文字列は存在不可。
'(4) セクションに空文字列もしくはスペースのみの文字列は存在不可。
'(5) セクション行の両端が"["と"]"でない場合の動作は不定
Public Class clsIniEdit

Private Const COMMENT_CHAR As String = ";" 'コメント指定文字

Private m_strLines() As String
Private m_strIniFileName As String

Public Property IniFileName()
Return m_strIniFileName
End Get
Set(ByVal value)
m_strIniFileName = value
End Set
End Property

'(1) strIniFileName (in) : iniファイル名(フルパス)
' True :処理成功
' False:処理失敗
Public Function Open(ByVal strIniFileName As String) As Boolean

Dim inFile As System.IO.StreamReader = Nothing
Dim strLine As String
Dim lngCount As Long = 0

m_strIniFileName = strIniFileName

If System.IO.File.Exists(m_strIniFileName) = True Then

inFile = New System.IO.StreamReader(m_strIniFileName, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(932))

strLine = inFile.ReadLine

Do Until strLine Is Nothing

ReDim Preserve m_strLines(lngCount)
m_strLines(lngCount) = strLine

strLine = inFile.ReadLine
lngCount += 1


inFile = Nothing

End If

Return True

Catch ex As Exception

If Not (inFile Is Nothing) Then
inFile = Nothing
End If

Return False

End Try

End Function

' True :処理成功
' False:処理失敗
Public Function Save() As Boolean

Dim outFile As System.IO.StreamWriter = Nothing
Dim lngCnt As Long

outFile = New System.IO.StreamWriter(m_strIniFileName, False, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(932))

If Not (m_strLines Is Nothing) Then

For lngCnt = 0 To UBound(m_strLines)



End If

outFile = Nothing

Return True
Catch ex As Exception

If Not (outFile Is Nothing) Then
outFile = Nothing
End If

Return False
End Try

End Function

'(1) strSection (in) : セクション
'(2) strKey (in) : キー
'(3) strValue (in) : 値
' True :処理成功
' False:処理失敗
Public Function SetValue(ByVal strSection As String, ByVal strKey As String, ByVal strValue As String) As Boolean

Dim lngCnt As Long, lngCnt2 As Long
Dim bolTaishoSection As Boolean = False
Dim strLine As String
Dim strKeyBuff As String = ""
Dim strValueBuff As String = ""
Dim bolSectionExist As Boolean = False
Dim lngLastIndex As Long
Dim lngInsertIndex As Long

strSection = Trim(strSection)
strKey = Trim(strKey)

If strSection = "" OrElse strKey = "" Then
Return False
End If

If m_strLines Is Nothing Then
ReDim m_strLines(0)
m_strLines(0) = ";" & m_strIniFileName & " " & Now() & "に最初にSetValueされました。"
End If

For lngCnt = 0 To UBound(m_strLines)

strLine = Trim(m_strLines(lngCnt))

If Left(strLine, 1) = "[" AndAlso Right(strLine, 1) = "]" Then

bolTaishoSection = IsTaishoSection(strLine, strSection)
GoTo LOOP_CONTINUE 'セクション行なので、continueする。
End If

If bolTaishoSection = True Then

If bolSectionExist = False Then
bolSectionExist = True
End If

If Left(strLine, Len(COMMENT_CHAR)) = COMMENT_CHAR Then
GoTo LOOP_CONTINUE 'コメント行なので、continueする。
End If

If SplitKeyValue(strLine, strKeyBuff, strValueBuff) = True Then

If Trim(strKeyBuff) = strKey Then

m_strLines(lngCnt) = strKeyBuff & "=" & strValue
Return True
End If

End If

End If


Next lngCnt


bolTaishoSection = False

If bolSectionExist = True Then

For lngCnt = 0 To UBound(m_strLines)

strLine = m_strLines(lngCnt)
strLine = Trim(strLine)

If Left(strLine, 1) = "[" AndAlso Right(strLine, 1) = "]" Then

If bolTaishoSection = True Then

For lngInsertIndex = lngCnt - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Trim(m_strLines(lngInsertIndex)) = "" Then
'do nothing
lngInsertIndex += 1
Exit For
End If
Next lngInsertIndex

lngLastIndex = UBound(m_strLines)
lngLastIndex += 1
ReDim Preserve m_strLines(lngLastIndex)

For lngCnt2 = lngLastIndex To lngInsertIndex Step -1
m_strLines(lngCnt2) = m_strLines(lngCnt2 - 1)

m_strLines(lngInsertIndex) = strKey & "=" & strValue
Return True
End If

bolTaishoSection = IsTaishoSection(strLine, strSection)
End If

Next lngCnt

lngLastIndex = UBound(m_strLines)
lngLastIndex += 1
ReDim Preserve m_strLines(lngLastIndex)
m_strLines(lngLastIndex) = strKey & "=" & strValue


lngLastIndex = UBound(m_strLines)
lngLastIndex += 2

ReDim Preserve m_strLines(lngLastIndex)
m_strLines(lngLastIndex - 1) = "[" & strSection & "]"
m_strLines(lngLastIndex) = strKey & "=" & strValue

End If

Return True

Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try

End Function

'(1) strSection (in) : セクション
'(2) strKey (in) : キー
'戻り値 : 値
Public Function GetValue(ByVal strSection As String, ByVal strKey As String) As String

Dim lngCnt As Long
Dim bolTaishoSection As Boolean = False
Dim strLine As String
Dim strKeyBuff As String = ""
Dim strValueBuff As String = ""

strSection = Trim(strSection)
strKey = Trim(strKey)


If strSection = "" OrElse strKey = "" Then
Return ""
End If

If m_strLines Is Nothing Then
Return ""

For lngCnt = 0 To UBound(m_strLines)

strLine = Trim(m_strLines(lngCnt))

If Left(strLine, 1) = "[" AndAlso Right(strLine, 1) = "]" Then

bolTaishoSection = IsTaishoSection(strLine, strSection)
GoTo LOOP_CONTINUE 'セクション行なので、continueする。
End If

If bolTaishoSection = True Then

If Left(strLine, Len(COMMENT_CHAR)) = COMMENT_CHAR Then
GoTo LOOP_CONTINUE 'コメント行なので、continueする。
End If

If SplitKeyValue(m_strLines(lngCnt), strKeyBuff, strValueBuff) = True Then

If Trim(strKeyBuff) = strKey Then
Return strValueBuff
End If

End If

End If


Next lngCnt

End If

Return ""

Catch ex As Exception
Return ""
End Try

End Function

'(1) strLine (in) : 判定対象文字列
'(2) strSection (in) : セクション
' True :対象セクション
' False:対象外セクション
Private Function IsTaishoSection(ByVal strLine As String, ByVal strSection As String) As Boolean

strLine = Mid(strLine, 2, strLine.Length - 2)
If Trim(strLine) = Trim(strSection) Then
Return True
Return False
End If

Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try

End Function

'(1) strLine (in) : 取得対象文字列("xxx=xxx"という文字列)
'(2) strKey (out) : キー
'(3) strValue (out) : 値
' True :処理成功
' False:処理失敗
Private Function SplitKeyValue(ByVal strLine As String, ByRef strKey As String, ByRef strValue As String) As Boolean

Dim intPos As Integer

intPos = strLine.IndexOf("=")

If intPos > 0 Then

strKey = Left(strLine, intPos)
strValue = Right(strLine, strLine.Length - intPos - 1)

If Trim(strKey) = "" Then
Return False
Return True
End If

Return False
End If

Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try

End Function

End Class